cuadro – touch the paint

interactive paintings exhibited in  WAKA Spain 2009

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raablab & pipes

Raablab – a project with Stella Veciana developed from the workshop Synergy, organised by Hangar and Grid Spinoza in the framework of the European project Soft Control. Included a sampler for the Research Arts online archive

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Participatory Investigation of Public Engaging Spaces

This project aims to generate a common, transversal and critical state of the art about visual interfaces focusing on three crossed perspectives: society, design and art. A dialogue between praxis and theoretical approaches will be motivated by the design of the activities, involving artists, programmers, designers, thinkers, scholars and university students.

summary raablab

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Tramway, Glasgow


Candinsky Gallery, Mallorca

in Candinksy Gallery, the software trigger sound via a Sound System built from materials found at the local dump


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dj diary

Diary Study 

Text written by DJ whilst DJing

over 10 weeks

to view diary on desktop: 

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Diary section 1

Diary section 2

vj software

VJ softwarwe by ablab. This edit with Biometrix – Nuclear Bomb.
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the tomorrows project

BAFTA nomination 2004

Edinburgh Film Festival 2005

Commonwealth Film Festival 2005 _ performance with Glasgow Improvisors Orchestra (Atomtown Hive)

developed in Scottish Screen Archive with Gair Dunlop

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in Bitparts

Foundation for Arts and Creative Technologies (FACT)

Worcestor Museum UK

With artist Gair Dunlop

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interactive video archive from the shoe factory, art residency Alaró, Mallorca

artwork commissioned by SPIRES an EPSRC Digital Economy Project

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