"este proyección resaltó los valores de innovación, sostenibilidad y visión de futuro que caracterizan a Es Crum"
"¡mola!" - said the neighbours
"este proyección resaltó los valores de innovación, sostenibilidad y visión de futuro que caracterizan a Es Crum"
"¡mola!" - said the neighbours
Broke Icon – in the Cutlog artist moving image installation at the 123rd Society of Scottish Artists Annual Exhibition
Fiestas popular del barrio Calatrava, Palma de Mallorca.
Organised by WAKA in association with the Associación de los Vecinos.
2011-2019 (hasta Covid :/)
award winning software / hardware console in public libraries, for viewing and publishing a newly digitzed collection of artworks by Joan Brossa and Joan Miró
Made in collaboration with Computer Vision Centre, Barcelona
Mobile Week Award (2017)
in Jornades Internacionals de Poesia: arxius, poètiques i recepcions». MACBA, 28 d’octubre de 2016
later development … use of low contact objects for interaction
ablab & Pointless Creations; workshops; festivals; presentations.
Bogotrax Music festival _ Bogota
Pixelazo Media Art festival_Medillin
Pixelazo Workshops & Results in Comuna 13
artist run exhibition and research space
co-founded in 2013 by Dan Norton, Felipe Montenegro, and Amoniako
Palma, Mallorca
Produced 43 artist exhibitions and other activities