monster mask

head spinning free

Collection of scanned faces made with visitors to University of Islas Baleares open day. An artwork to celebrate the end of the use of face masks in educational institutions in Spain – following the 2020 Covid pandemic

static collection


Fiestas popular del barrio Calatrava, Palma de Mallorca.

Organised by WAKA in association with the Associación de los Vecinos.

2011-2019 (hasta Covid :/)

wakalatrava 2018

dj watching

RCUK research. 2009-13

Wakanegra in Radio Titioeta. Algaida Spain. Norton & Montenegro

dj interviews – re. archiving digital information.

more studies: eye movement, infra-red, hand movement, crowd.


no.2 – in dark. infra red.

to view on desktop:

download Debugger

and open location:

no.1 -eye movement. prerecorded mix

open this location in Debugger


open this location in Debugger


hand movement. practice set

to view open this location in Debugger

hand movement / live set

to view open this location


crowd movement. in bar

to view open this location
